Every day the competitors would race (while I was at work), and then every evening there was a fun event planned – all around the theme of Reality TV shows! We had a Welcome dinner that ended in a Fear Factor challenge, an 80’s party that involved a Project Runway make-your-own-crazy-costume challenge, a fashion show for the sponsors coinciding with a Boracay’s Next Top Model night, a VERY elegant White Party (cocktails and raffles), and then a Boracay’s Got Talent competition on the last night – where my very butch and manly husband lip-synched his way through a 5-man Spice Girl drag cabaret act, complete with make-up (self-applied!), purple wig, and sexy corset and hot pants!!! (See pic)
Initially I found it rather daunting, to be honest. I have never hosted anything before, and to suddenly be standing in front of a room full of mostly strangers, introducing sponsors that I’ve never met before, with a TV camera light shining directly in my face and blinding me… whew!!! But as the days progressed and time wore on, I eased into the role completely, and by the end of it all I was casual, comfortable… and so exhausted that I had no more energy to be nervous!!! :)
The dinners were delicious, the parties were fun, and I relished the opportunity to get dressed up and made up (and even wear high heels again!) for 6 nights in a row! Of course, when it was all over, I was delighted to have a break again, and go straight back into my easy-breezy low maintenance island existence.
But I feel honoured that I was asked to do this. I am blessed at the opportunities which present themselves to me, and I can only hope that I portrayed this joy and gratitude in the delivery. I like to think that I did.
By Sunday, I was DEAD. But delighted. After a full day in bed, watching movies, eating junk, cuddling with my handsome hubby, and basking in the glow of my life, I am ready to hit the world again with full force! Next week we're going away to Bohol with friends. Watch this space! xox